Kamis, 10 Maret 2011


Beberapa Fakta About Uri SHINee..

Tau dooong kalo seluruh member SHINee ini udah tinggal di dorm yang sama? Dan seperti group-group lainnya yang juga tinggal dalam satu dorm, mereka pun berbagi tugas ‘kerumahtanggaan’. Ada yang kebagian ngebangunin para member, masak, dll. Dan mereka juga kompakan joging bareng buat jaga kesehatan tubuh mereka. Hahaha.. Romantis…

Ini adalah beberapa piku dorm mereka…
Dikarenakan Onew seorang leader, jadi dia tidur di kasur tengah bedcover kuning. Key di bedcover pink dan Minho di bawahnya. Jonghyun bedcover putih dan Taemin di bawahnya. Karena aku gak dapet jatah kasur, jadi bobo berdua sama Key. *Ditabok SHINee World*

Sedangkan Key dan Jonghyun lebih milih browsing internet dan balesin komen-komen fansnya^^

Okeh.. Sekarang kita bahas mereka satu per satu…

Onew (leader)

Stage Name: 온유 / 温流
Real Name: Lee Jinki (이진기)
Nickname: Leader Onew
DOB: December 14th, 1989 (18 int’l ; 20 krn)
Height: 177cm
Weight: …?
Bloodtype: O
Family: …
Education: …?
Hobby/Interest: Music, Piano, Mandarin.

Dia adalah Uri Leader, Onew. Dia yang paling tua dan tentunya paling dewasa. Dia ini dikenal sebagai leader yang lemah lembut, sampai-sampai dia dipanggil si dubu a.k.a tahu. Onew dipanggil dubu gara-gara orangnya putih dan lemah lembut kayak tahu. Emang agak aneh sih… Hahaha~~ Onew Si Tahu!!!
Selain itu, nih leader juga terkenal banget dengan segala kegaringannya *mirip Leeteuk. hahaha*. Seluruh member bakal membatu, membeku, diem seribu bahasa, kalo dia udah ngegaring. Ekekekekeke~ Sampai pada akhirnya, para member ngasih nama kondisi ini sebagai “Onew condition”. Hahaha~ Malah sampai ada lagunya segala. Ckckck! *sabar ya Onew-oppa*.
Ada tambahan hal yang bikin aku cinta sama cowok super putih ini. Ternyata si dubu ini pinter juga lho. Dia bisa pertahanin nilainya di sekolah dan rangking terbaiknya adalah rangking 2 untuk seluruh sekolah dan kelas. WAAAWWW!!!
Tipe ceweknya juga kagak aneh-aneh. Soalnya Onew gak punya tipe ideal untuk cewek idamannya, dia pikir kalo setiap cewek itu pasti punya daya tarik masing-masing. Huaaa… Makin cinta! Hehe~


Stage Name: 종현 / 钟铉
Real Name: Kim Jonghyun (김종형)
Nickname: Bling Bling Jonghyun
DOB: April 8th, 1990 (18 int’l ; 19 krn)
Height: 173cm
Weight: …?
Bloodtype: AB
Family: Parents, sister
Education: …?
Hobby/Interest: Watching movies, Popping (dance), Lyrics, Piano, Mandarin
Appearances: Zhang Li Yin’s 交錯的愛 (Wrongly Given Love)
Facts: He’s the shortest out of the whole group. He studied Chinese in Beijing in 2007.

Yang kedua, Bling-bling Jonghyun. Mmmm… Tentang Jonghyun, apa ya? Hahaha *digaplok*. Okeh… Dia adalah personil yang suaranya paling tinggi dan enak di denger. Suaranya udah khas banget. Jonghyun ini dibilang ‘Jaejoong’ nya SHINee. Dia juga pinter main gitar, bass, dan piano. Tipe ceweknya itu yang berbibir pink dan berkulit putih. Ini anak pede banget kalo udah berhadapan dengan kamera, rasa malunya udah ngabur begitu ngelihat kamera.
Kegilaan Jonghyun kumat kalo udah gabung sama Key. Klop banget deh jadinya, makanya banyak banget yang masang-masangin mereka berdua jadi couple, Onew aja ampe cemburu dibuatnya. Ekekekeke~~


Stage Name: 키
Real Name: Kim Kibum (김기범)
Nickname: The Almighty Key
DOB: September 23rd, 1991 (16 int’l ; 18 krn)
Height: 177cm
Weight: …?
Bloodtype: B
Family: …?
Education: …?
Hobby/Interest: Rap, Dance, Water Skiing, English, Mandarin
Appearances: Attack of the Pin-Up Boys (2007)

Now, Ilmighty Key. Kunci apa yang paling ganteng? Key SHINee!!! *ngegaring digaplok lagi*. Key juga personil paling gila di SHINee, dia adalah member yang paling bisa ngebangkitin suasana. Kalo ada Key, pasti semuanya ngakak ampe mampus. Dia selalu mengatakan hal-hal unik, aneh, dan menarik. Apalagi kalo ‘Onew Condition’ terjadi, tingkah atau pun omongan gokilnya itu bakal jadi senjata ampuh buat melumpuhkan ‘Onew Condition’. Tapi ada rahasia dari Key dibalik semua tingkah gilanya itu. Ternyata oh ternyata… Key itu takut sama ketinggian… Hahaha~ Terbukti ketika di Yunhanam (kalo gak salah episode 3 atau 4) saat akan bungee jumping, dia gak berani ngeliat ke bawah. Pada akhirnya sih dia mau, tapi waktu lagi bungee jumping, dia nutupin mukanya. Jiaahhhh kasian amaattt. Key, sini aku peluk!!! *ditabok Siwon*
Oya, Key itu juga dijulukin Eomma sama member yang lain. Soalnya dia orangnya perhatian. Cerewet kayak emak-emak dan pinter masak *lebih enak mana nih sama masakannya Wookie?*
Dari semua cerita di atas, kesimpulannya kalo Key tuh orangnya nggak jaim-an, jujur, dan apa adanya.
Key punya kriteria khusus buat cewek idamannya, Key gak suka sama cewek yang terlalu feminin. Dia suka sama cewek yang jujur dan baik. Mungkin Key gak mau repot nungguin cewek dandan waktu mau nge-date kali ya? Jadinya dia lebih suka sama cewek yang nggak terlalu feminin *haa?? jangan-jangan Amber??? Ekekekeke~*


Stage Name: 민호 / 珉豪
Real Name: Choi Minho (최민호)
Nickname: Charismatic Flame Minho
DOB: December 9th, 1991 (16 int’l ; 18 krn)
Height: 181cm
Weight: …?
Bloodtype: B
Family: Parents, older brother
Education: …?
Hobby/Interest: Soccer, Basketball, Performing, English
Appearances: Ha SangBaek’s Fashion Show (March 2008), 2008/2009 F/W Pret-a-Porter Busan Fashion Show (May 2008)
Facts: In Ha SangBaek’s Fashion Show, he walked down the run-way like a robot. He studied Chinese in Beijing in 2006 and 2007.

Sekarang si Flaming Charisma Minho. Oh yeah… Inilah member SHINee yang paling tinggi di antara member-member lainnya. Dan kelihatan banget kalo dia suka olahraga *sotoy! wkwkwk~*. Tingginya sekitar 181 cm. Dia setinggi itu, aku sependek apa? *apalagi kalo aku sebelahan sama Siwon. Hiaaa..*
Minho tu dibilang karismanya SHINee. Hyung-nya, Onew, bilang kalo Minho tu mirip karakter-karakter Manga. Wajah kecil, mata bulat, plus ganteng. Ah mimisan!!!
Minho orangnya pendiem banget dibandingkan member SHINee lainnya. Jarang banget bisa ngelihat dia ngomong blak-blakkan kayak Key dan yang lainnya. Hemat kata! Minho juga orangnya jaim-an. Apa karena bawaan dari saat dia jadi model? Atau karena dia harus menjaga karismanya di SHINee?? Atau ini bentukkan image yang disuruh SM??? Gak tau dehhh…!
Minho itu suka banget ngasih kejutan buat orang lain. Dan tipe ceweknya Minho itu harus yang cewek banget. Dia bilang kalo cewenya itu harus punya rambut panjang, tinggi rata-rata, suka pake gaun, dan harus baik hati tentunya. Dia ngefans banget tuh sama Kim Tae Hee.
Minho juga punya sisi yang cukup aneh. Dia bilang kalo dia nggak pernah lihat hantu, tapi dia bener-bener pengen lihat. Idih ogah deh. Aku kagak pernah mau lihat. Nekat banget Minho!!!


Stage Name: 태민 / 泰民
Real Name: Lee Taemin (이태민)
Nickname: Handy Boy Taemin, Maknae
DOB: July 18th, 1993 (14 int’l ; 16 krn)
Hometown: Dongbong-gu, Seoul
Height: 175cm
Weight: 50kg
Bloodtype: B
Family: Parents, older brother
Education Graduated middle school
Hobby/Interest: Listening to Music, Popping (dance), Piano, Mandarin
Facts: He’s considered the best dancer out of the group despite being the youngest. He studied Chinese in Beijing in 2007.

The last… Uri Maknae Taemin. Cowok paling cute dan lucu seantero Korea. Hiaaa… Pengen nyubit-nyubit!!! Dan kenapa dia cantik banget kalo jadi cewek ya? Kenapa? Kenapa? Bikin sirik deh! Sama ajah kayak kakaknya, Heechul. Kakak beda bapak-ibu. Hahah. Apalagi pas dia main di reality show ‘School Of Rock’. Hiyaaa… Bener-bener kayak cewek tulen dah ntu wajah. Yeppeo!! Member SHINee lainnya bilang, “Taemin itu kalo ngelakuin kegiatan apapun, always keliatan cute. Minho aja sampe ngebayangin kalo si Taemin itu cewek, Minho mau jadi cowoknya.” OMO~~ Minho aja sampe kesengsem.

Malah ada Taemin yang mirip Taeyeon. Hahaha.

Sedangkan di sisi lain, Taemin ini dancer terbaiknya SHINee. Lucu banget kalo lihat video audisinya. Hahaha~ Emang patut lolos dia ini kalo ngelihat peserta lainnya yang nggak banget. Wkwkwkwkwk~~


Fonts by Typekit


Shinee (umumnya ditulis sebagai SHINee) adalah boy band Korea Selatan yang beraliran R&B kontemporer. Dibentuk SM Entertainment pada tahun 2008, Shinee terdiri dari Onew, Jonghyun, Key, Minho, dan Taemin. Penampilan pertama mereka pada 25 Mei 2008 dalam acara Popular Songs di SBS. Mereka membawakan singel promosi, “Nunan Neomu Yeppeo (Replay)” (“누난 너무 예뻐 (Replay)”).
Shinee memiliki acara realitas sendiri yang diproduksi berdasarkan tema lagu Nunan Neomu Yeppeo (Replay)”. Mereka juga populer di kalangan generasi muda dengan gaya berbusana mereka. Kostum yang dikenakan Shinee dirancang desainer Ha Sang Baek (하상백). Sepatu kets hingga mata kaki, jins ketat, dan baju hangat berwarna-warni. Kalangan pelajar meniru gaya berpakaian Shinee yang disebut media massa sebagai “tren Shinee”. Shinee sering dipakai untuk mengiklankan berbagai produk, termasuk produk busana Smart, kosmetik Nana’s B, dan Reebok.

.:: SHINee’s Profile Member ::.

Stage Name: 온유 / 温流
Real Name: Lee Jinki (이진기)
Nickname: Leader Onew
Birth Date : December 14th, 1989
Height: 177cm
Bloodtype: O
Hobby/Interest: Music, Piano, Mandarin
Position : Sub vocal, Leader
Stage Name: 종현 / 钟铉
Real Name: Kim Jonghyun (김종형)
Nickname: Bling Bling Jonghyun
Birth Date: April 8th, 1990 (18 int’l ; 19 krn)
Height: 173cm
Bloodtype: AB
Family: Parents, sister
Hobby/Interest: Watching movies, Popping (dance), Lyrics, Piano, Mandarin
Position : Lead Vocal

Appearances: Zhang Li Yin’s 交錯的愛 (Wrongly Given Love)
Facts: He’s the shortest out of the whole group. He also studied Chinese in Beijing in 2007.
Stage Name: 키
Real Name: Kim Kibum (김기범)
Nickname: The Almighty Key
Birth Date: September 23rd, 1991 (16 int’l ; 18 krn)
Height: 177cm
Bloodtype: B
Hobby/Interest: Rap, Dance, Water Skiing, English, Mandarin
Position : Sub Vocal, Rapper

Appearances: Attack of the Pin-Up Boys (2007)
Stage Name: 민호 / 珉豪
Real Name: Choi Minho (최민호)
Nickname: Charismatic Flame Minho
Birth Date: December 9th, 1991 (16 int’l ; 18 krn)
Height: 181cm
Blood type: B
Family: Parents, older brother
Hobby/Interest: Soccer, Basketball, Performing, English
Position : Sub Vocal, Rapper

Appearances: Ha SangBaek’s Fashion Show (March 2008), 2008/2009 F/W Pret-a-Porter Busan Fashion Show (May 2008)
Facts: In Ha SangBaek’s Fashion Show, he walked down the run-way like a robot. He studied Chinese in Beijing in 2006 and 2007.
Stage Name: 태민 / 泰民
Real Name: Lee Taemin (이태민)
Nickname: Handy Boy Taemin
Birth Date: July 18th, 1993 (14 int’l ; 16 krn)
Hometown: Dongbong-gu, Seoul
Height: 175cm
Weight: 50kg
Bloodtype: B
Family: Parents, older brother
Education: Graduated middle school
Hobby/Interest: Listening to Music, Popping (dance), Piano, Mandarin
Position : Sub Vocal, Lead Dancer

Facts: He’s considered the best dancer out of the group despite being the youngest. He studied Chinese in Beijing in 2007.


1. “REPLAY” (Mini Album)
Release Date : May 22, 2008
Genre : Dance
1. Noona You’re So Pretty / Noonan Nomu Yeopo (Replay)
2. In My Room
3. Real
4. Love Should Go On
5. Replay (Boom Track)
2. “THE SHINee WORLD” (Album)
Release Date : August 29,  2008
Genre : Various
Tracklist :
1. SHINee World (Doo Bop)
2. Love’s Way
3. Love Like Oxygen / Sanso Gateun Neo
4. Romantic
5. One For Me
6. Graze
7. Last Gift
8. Best Place
9. Y Si Fuera Ella
10. Four Seasons
11. In My Room (Unplugged Remix)
12. Replay
3. “AMIGO” (Album Repackaged)
Release Date : October 29,  2008
Genre : Various
Tracklist :
2. Forever Or Never
3. Love Like Oxygen
4. Love Should Go On (Plugged by DJ Oneshoot)
5. Replay
6. Romantic
7. Love’s Way
8. One For Me
9. Graze
10. Last Gift
11. Best Place
12. Y Si Fuera Ella
13. Four Seasons
14. In My Room (Unplugged Remix)
15. The SHINee (Doo Bop)
4. “ROMEO” (Mini Album)
Release Date : Mei 25th, 2009
Genre : Dance
Tracklist :
1. Juliette
2. Talk To You
3. Hit Me Baby
4. Senorita
5. Please Don’t Go
6. Romeo + Juliette
5. “2009 YEAR OF US” (Mini Album)
Release Date : October 22, 2009
Genre : Dance
Tracklist :
1. Y.O.U. (Year Of Us)
2. Ring Ding Dong
3. Get Down Ft F(x) Luna
4. Jo Jo
5. The Name I Loved Ft Kim Yeon Woo
6. SHINee Girl
6. “LUCIFER” (Album)
Release Date : July 19, 2010
Genre : Electronic Dance
Tracklist :
1. Up & Down
2. Lucifer
3. Electric Heart
4. A-Yo
5. 욕(慾) (Obsession)
6. 화살 (Quasimodo)
7. 악 (Shout Out)
8. Wowowow
9. Your Name
10. Life
11. Ready Or Not
12. Love Pain
13. 사.계.후 (Love Sill Goes On)

7. “Hello ( Repackaged Album)”
Release Date : September 30, 2010
Tracklist :
01 Hello
02 하나 (One)
03 Get It

OST Drama Korea :
1. OST Boys Over Flower – Stand By Me
2. OST Dream – Countdown
3. OST Prosecutor Princess – Fly High

Featuring member Shinee :
1. DBSK Xiah Junsu Ft Key – Xiahtic
2. Zhang Li Yin Ft Jonghyun – Wrongly Given Love
3. Lee Hyun Ji Ft Onew – Vanilla Love
4. SNSD Jessica Ft Onew – One Year Later
5. SNSD Ft Key – Boys And Girls
6. DBSK, Super Junior, SHINee – Seaside

SHINee Variety Show :
1. SHINee Yunhanam
2. School of Rock
3. SHINee Hello Baby Season 2

SHINee swept all newcomer awards of 2008! 080622 Cyworld Digital Musical Award
080821 MBC Radio
080823 Mnet 20′s Choice Awards (Hot New Star)
081004 Asia Song Festival (Best New Artist)
081020 Style Icon Wards 2008 (New Icon Award)
081112 Korea Entertainment Arts Awards (Best Newcomer)
081115 M.Net KM Music Festival 2008 (Best Male Newcomer)
081210 Golden Disk Awards 2008 (Best Male Newcomer)
081212 16th Annual South Korean Popular Entertainment Award (2008 Best Newcomer)

090101 2008 Melon Award Best Newcomer
090212 18th Seoul Music Awards (Best Newcomer)
091218 Golden Disk Awards 2009 (GD Samsung Yepp Popularity Award)


100203 19th Seoul Music Awards (Bonsang Award)
100310 2nd Singapore Entertainment Award (New Generatoion Artiste)

Source : wikipidea & vheluvdshinee’s blog
posted by Riana@SEI ( shawolandelfindo.wordpress.com

Super Junior

Data Base :

Official Name: Super Junior (슈퍼주니어)
Unofficial Name: SuJu (슈주) or SJ
Members: Leeteuk (leader), Heechul, Hangeng, Yesung, Kangin, Shindong, Sungmin, Eunhyuk, Donghae, Siwon, Ryeowook, Kibum, and Kyuhyun
Catchphrase: 우리는 슈퍼주니어에요! (Oo ri neun Shoo-puh-Ju-ni-uh eh yo! aka We are Super Junior!)
Debut: Super Junior as a 12 member project group called Super Junior 05 performed on their first TV broadcast on November 6, 2005 with their first single “Twins (Knock Out)”; with the addition of Kyuhyun during “U” promotions which they started through the “I-Concert” on May 27, 2006, Super Junior became the permanent 13 member group that we know today.
History: Super Junior on Wikipedia (as with all things on Wikipedia, all information can’t be vouched for)
Management: SM Entertainment
Official Fanclub: EverLasting Friends (E.L.F.), established on June 2, 2006.
Official Balloon Color: Pearl Sapphire Blue
Official Websites:
http://superjunior.smtown.com/ (Korea)
http://www.avex.com.tw/superjunior (Taiwan)
http://superjunior-jp.net (Japan)
http://www.super-junior.co.kr (Super Junior 05)

.:: Suju’s Profile Member ::.

Leeteuk (이특/李 特) (이특 is actually pronounced Eeteuk)
Birth name:Park Jungsu
Birthday: Juli 1, 1983
Origin: Seoul, Republic of Korea
Genre(s): K-pop, trot
Occupation(s): Singer, dancer, actor, television host, MC, DJ
Instrument(s): Bbeatboxing, piano, guitar
Sibling: 1 older sister(Park Inyoung)
Position:Leader, sub-vocal
School:Paekche Junior College
Height: 173cm
Blood type: A
Nicknames:Angel Without Wings,Teuki Teuki, AngelTeuk,Lida Park,Peter Pan
Ideal Girl:Pretty, outgoing girl(163cm would be the ideal height) with thin ankles and wrists.
Cyworld blog: www.cyworld.com/jsplus
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/special1004
Casting: Starlight Casting System 2000
First Appearance: 2000 MBC “All About Eve”
Trivia: Is the leader and the oldest of Super Junior. He was the first member of Super Junior that was accepted into SM Entertainment.
Heechul (희철/希 澈)
Birth name:Kim Heechul
Birthday: Juli 10, 1983
Origin: Seoul, Republic of Korea
Genre(s): K-pop, alternative rock, trot
Occupation(s): Singer, dancer, actor, television host, MC, DJ, model
Instrument(s): Singing, rapping, piano, Drums
Sibling : 1 older sister(Kim Heejin)
Position : Sub leader, rapper, sub vocal
School : Sangji University
Height : 179cm
Religion : Atheist
Blood type: AB
Nicknames : Heenim, Cinderella, Sachawon, Kim Cherry
Ideal Girl : Single-eyelided girl with a pretty neck who looks good in mini skirts and/or with her hair tied up.
Cyworld blog: www.cyworld.com/yuri9doo
Twitter: www.twitter.com/heedictator
 Hangeng (한경/韩 庚)
(lately they’ve been officially going by the Chinese pronunciation of his name, Han Geng, but in Korean it is pronounced Hankyung)
Birth name: Han Geng
Birthday : February 9, 1984
Origin : Seoul, Republic of Korea
Born: February 9, 1984 (1984-02-09) (age 25)
Mudanjiang, Heilongjiang, China
Sibilings : none
Position : Sub-vocal
School : Central University for Nationalities Beijing
Height : 181cm
Religion : Atheist
Blood type : B
Nationality : Chinese (ethnicity- Hezhe)
Nicknames : Eagle, The Miracle of 1.3 Million, Angel of Heilung Jiang
Ideal Girl : Cute girl who respects his parents and loves him for who he is; Song Hyekyo
Cyworld blog (Korean): www.cyworld.com/superhangeng He doesn’t update it regularly though.
Cyworld blog (Chinese): www.cyworld.com.cn/hangeng
Yesung (예성/藝 聲)
Birth name : Kim Jongwoon
Birthday : August 24, 1984
Origin : Seoul, Republic of Korea
Genre(s): K-pop, R&B
Occupation(s): Singer, dancer, actor, DJ
Sibling : 1 younger brother(Kim Jongjin)
Position : Lead vocal
School : Chungwoon University
Height : 178cm(5’11)
Religion : Catholic
Blood type: AB
Nicknames : Cloud, Artistic Vocal Cords, Singing Yesung, Cheonan Uljjang
Ideal Girl : Moon Geungyoung
Cyworld blog : www.cyworld.com/ys1106ys
Kangin (강인/强 仁)
Birth name : Kim Youngwoon
Birthday : January 17, 1985
Origin : Seoul, Republic of Korea
Genre(s): K-pop, trot
Occupation(s): Singer, dancer, actor, television host, MC, DJ
Sibling : none
Position : Sub vocal
School : Kyunghee Cyber University(Major:Cultural Arts Management)
Height : 178cm
Religion: Christian
Blood type : O
Nicknames : Bear Kangin,Strength Kangin,raccoon,Korea No.1 Handsome Guy,The Real Leader
Ideal Girl: Rich and pretty with pretty feet and long straight hair
Shindong (신동/申 東 or 神 童)
Birth name : Shin Donghee
Birthday : September 28, 1985
Origin : Seoul, Republic of Korea
Genre(s): K-pop, hip hop, R&B, trot
Occupation(s): Singer, dancer, actor, MC, DJ
Sibling: none
Position: Rapper
School : Paekche Junior College (Major:Dance)
Height : 178cm
Religion : Christian
Blood type : O
Nickname : Dolpan Ogyupsal(a type of food)
Ideal Girl : Adorable, petite
Cyworld blog : www.cyworld.com/superjrsd
Twitter: www.twitter.com/ShinsFriends
Sungmin (성민/成 民)
Birth name : Lee Sungmin
Birthday : January 1, 1986
Genre(s) : K-pop, trot
Occupation(s) : Singer, dancer, actor, DJ
Instrument(s) : piano, guitar, bass guitar, drums
Sibling : 1 younger brother (Lee Sungjin)
Position : Main vocal
School : Myongji University (Major:Film Musical; transferred from Seoul Institute of the Arts)
Height : 175cm
Religion : Christian
Blood type : A
Nicknames : Pumpkin Guy,Sungmin Who’s Too Cute for Us
Ideal Girl : Adorable, petite
Cyworld blog : www.cyworld.com/HaveANo Time
Twitter: www.twitter.com/myblacksmile
Eunhyuk (은혁/銀 赫)
Birth name : Lee Hyukjae
Birthday : April 4, 1986
Origin : South Korea
Genre(s) : K-pop, hip hop, R&B, trot
Occupation(s) : Singer-songwriter, dancer, actor, MC, DJ
Sibling : 1 older sister(Lee Sora)
Position: Rapper, sub vocal
School : Paichai University
Height : 176cm
Religion : Christian
Blood type : O
Nicknames : Monkey,Gem Adonis,Little Mermaid,cockroach,Hallyu Star,Hyojjae,Hyukgoo
Ideal Girl : Fair-skinned, cute, petite
Cyworld blog : www.cyworld.com/allrise0404
Twitter : www.twitter.com/AllRiseSilver
Donghae (동해/東 海)
Birth name : Lee Donghae
Birthday : 10/15/86
Mokpo, Jeollanam-do, Republic of Korea
Origin : Seoul, Republic of Korea
Genre(s) : K-pop, Mandopop, hip hop, R&B
Sibling : 1 older brother(Lee Donghwa)
Position : Rapper, sub vocal
School : Myongji Univ.(Major:Performance Arts)
Height : 176cm
Religion: Christian
Blood type : A
Nickname : Fish, Sushi, Hweh, Ryeowook’s #1 Fan, Bada’s Dad, East Sea(Donghae means East Sea(Sea of Japan) in Korean), Mokpo Uljjang
Ideal Girl : Someone who’s caring, fair-skinned, with big eyes and long hair.
Cyworld blog (old ): www.cyworld.com/marryyou5170
Cyworld blog (new): http://www.cyworld.com/dhharu1015/
Twitter : www.twitter.com/donghae861015
Siwon (시원/始 源) (시원 which is actually pronounced Shiwon)
Birth name : Choi Siwon
Birthday : February 10, 1987
Origin : Seoul, South Korea
Genre(s) : K-pop, Mandopop
Occupation(s) : Singer, dancer, actor, model
Sibling : 1 younger sister(Choi Jiwon)
School : Inha University(Major:Physical education)
Height : 185cm
Position : Sub vocal
Religion: Christian
Blood type : B
Nickname : Simba, #1 Fan of the LORD, bodyguard, gentleman, horse
Ideal Girl: Christian, wavy-haired with abs
Twitter: www.twitter.com/siwon407
Ryeowook (려욱/麗 旭)
Birth name : Kim Ryeowook (김려욱/金 麗 旭)
Birthday : June 21, 1987
Origin : Seoul, Republic of Korea
Genre(s): K-pop, Mandopop, R&B
Occupation(s) : Singer, dancer, actor
Siblings : none
School : Inha University (Major:Theater Arts)
Height : 173cm
Position : Main vocal
Religion : Christian (rumored to be Catholic)
Blood type : O
Nickname : Ryeonggoo, Eternal Maknae(youngest), Rank #1, Ryeowook On Top, Ex-Maknae
Ideal Girl : Someone who’s petite and can sing well
Kibum (기범/基 范)
Birth name : Kim Kibum
Birthday : August 21, 1987
Origin : Seoul, Republic of Korea
Genre(s) : K-pop
Occupation(s) : Singer, dancer, actor, model
Sibling : 1 younger sister(Kim Saehee)
School: Inha University
Height : 179cm
Position : Rapper
Religion : Christian
Blood type : A
Nickname : Snow White
Ideal Girl : Han Ga-In
Kyuhyun (규현/奎 賢)
Birth name : Cho Kyuhyun
Birthday : 2/3/88
Sibling : 1 older sister (Cho Ara)
Position : Main vocal
School : Kyunghee University (Major:Post-modern Music)
Origin : Republic of Korea
Genre(s) : K-pop, Mandopop, R&B
Occupation(s) : Singer, dancer
Instrument(s) : Singing, piano
Height : 180cm
Religion : Christian
Blood type : A
Nickname : Choding, Maknae(youngest) On Top, Micky’s #1 Fan, Lord Kyu ,Sulky Kyu, Porn Kyu, Fit-In Kyu, Chic Kyu, Alien, Jesus Kyu, Dorm Kyu, Sexy Kyu, Baby Kyu, Shy Kyu, ELF Kyu, Green Kyu, Terror Kyu, Rotten Smile Kyu, Guinness Kyu, Voice Kyu, Dark Kyu, Model Kyu, Miracle Kyu, Doll Kyu, S Line Kyu, Basic Instinct Kyu, Game Kyu, Kyurying Fan, Drama Kyu, etc (it’s rumored that he has over 900 nicknames)
Ideal Girl : Pretty, preferably Christian; Kim Taehee
Cyworld blog: www.cyworld.com/sneezes

.:: Discography ::.

2005 : SuperJunior05 (TWINS)
Track List :

1. Miracle
2. TWINS (Knock Out)
3. You are the one
4. Rock this house
5. 차근차근 (Way for love)
6. So I
8. Keep in touch
9. L.O.V.E.
10. Believe
11. TWINS (Knock Out)
2007 : Don’t Don
Track List :
1. 돈 돈! (Don’t Don)
2. 소원이 있나요 (Sapphire Blue)
3. You’re my endless love (말하자면)
4. 미워 (Hate U, Love U)
5. Disco Drive
6. Marry U
7. I am
8. 사랑이 떠나다 (She’s gone)
9. Missin’
10. 거울 (Mirror)
11. 우리들의 사랑 (Our Love)
12. Midnight Fantasy
13. Thank you
14. 아주 먼 옛날 (Song for you)” (Bonus track)
2009 : Sorry, Sorry
Track list :
1. Sorry, Sorry
2. 니가 좋은 이유 (Why I like you)
3. 마주치지 말자 (Let’s not…)
4. 앤젤라 (Angela)
5. Reset
6. Monster
7. What if
8. 이별… 넌 쉽니 (Heartquake)
9. Club No.1
10. Happy Together
11. 죽어있는 것 (Dead at heart)
12. Shining Star
2010 : Bonamana
Track List :
1. 미인나 (Bonamana)
2. 나쁜 여자 (Boom Boom)
3. 응결 (Coagulation)
4. 나란 사람 (My Eyes)
5. My Only Girl
6. 사랑이 이렇게 (My All Is In You)
7. Shake It Up!
8. 잠들고 싶어 (In My Dream)
9. 봄날 (One Fine Spring Day)
10. 좋은 사람 (Good Person)
11. Here We Go
Singles :
Super Junior – The First Single – U
(Released on June 13, 2006)
01. U
02. Endless Moment
03. Lovely Day
04. Dancing Out
Join Dicsography :
(Released on June 22, 2006)
01. Red Sun – SM TOWN
02. 오아시스 (Oasis) – TVXQ
03. Dancing Out – Super Junior
04. 한 여름밤의 고백 (Summer Night Love) – Kang Ta
05. TOUCH – BoA
06. Catch the shooting star – TSZX
07. 너없이 (without you) – The TRAX
08. Raindrops – HyeonJin
09. Shake – Black Beat
10. Smile! – Super Junior
11. 태양은 가득히 (Red Sun) Instrumental
TVXQ & Super Junior – Show Me Your Love
(Released on December 15, 2005)
01. Show Me Your Love – TVXQ & Super Junior
02. I Wanna Hold You – TVXQ
03. 오늘만은 (I’m Your Man) – Super Junior
04. Show Me Your Love (Instrumental)
Variety Show :
• Super Junior Show
• Princess Diaries (2006)
• Mnet Super Junior Reality Survival Mini-Drama
• Mystery 6 (2006)
• SBS Love Letter
• Mnet M! Countdown
• SBS X-man-
• KBS Herione 6
• Happy Together
• YoungStreet Radio Show
• KMTV Music Show Tank
• Star Golden Bell
• Happy Sunday
• SBS Super Junior Full House
• Super Adonis Camp
• Sponge
• Vitamin
• Chunbangjichuk Radio
• Itta Opptta
• 2002 Survival Audition HeeJun vs. KangTa Battle of the Century
• M.I.R.A.C.L.E for You
Dramas :
Kim Hee Chul
• Sharp 2 (2005)
• Loveholic (2005)
• Rainbow Romance (2005-2006)
• Bad Family (2006)
Kang In
• A Man and A Woman (2002)
Lee Sung Min
• Sea of Sisters (2005)
• SBS’s Banjun Theater: Finding Lost Time (2006)
Choi Si Won
• Previous Family (2004)
• 18 vs 29 (2005)
• Spring Waltz (2006)
• Oh My Lady 2010
Kim Ki Bum
• Sharp 2 (2005)
• Rainbow Romance (2005-2006)
• Marrying A Millionaire
• April Kiss 4 (2004)
Choi Si Won
• Parent’s Permission (2004)
• Charnel Boy (2006)
• Battle of Wits (2006)
Lee Teuk
• Pepsi (2000)
• IVY Club (2006)
• Heat Hunt (2006)
Kim Hee Chul
• Ottogi (2006)
• Lotte Pepero (2006)
• Spris
Choi Si Won
• Elite (2004)
• Seoul Milk (2004)
Lee Dong Hae
• Heat Hunt (2006)
Kim Ki Bum
• Elite with BoA(2004)
• KTF Enterprise (2005)
• Hyundai Motors (2005)
• My Chew (2005)
• Ottogi (2006)

Music videos
• Twins (Knockout)
• Show Me Your Love with TVXQ
• Miracle
• You Are The One (Super Junior Show version)
• U
• Dancing Out
Choi Si Won
• Dana’s “What is Love” (2003)

• SBS Inkigayo Mutizen Song (June 25, 2006)
• M.net M!Countdown 1st (July 6, 2006)
• SBS Inkigayo Mutizen Song (July 9, 2006)
• SBS Inkigayo Mutizen Song (July 16, 2006)
• M.net M!Countdown 1st (July 20, 2006)
• SBS Inkigayo Mutizen Song (August 20, 2006)
• M.net M!Countdown 1st (August 31, 2006)
Tours :
Asia tours
2008–2009: The 1st ASIA TOUR, Super Show
2009–2010: The 2nd ASIA TOUR, Super Show 2
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org, ikorlov.blogspot.com, starjunior.wordpress, koreanboyband.com
posted by Riana @SEI ( shawolandelfindo.wordpress.com)